Monday, November 19, 2012

Photography Gallery News | nofound photo fair 2012

nofound photo fair 2012, the contemporary photography fair in Paris

The nofound photo fair team will be very happy to see you again from the 16th to the 19th of November 2012 at Garage Turenne for the second edition of the contemporary photography fair in Paris.
nofound photo fair is a project fair, the exhibitors are selected according to the relevance of their projects. nofound photo fair 2012 features 50 complete and fully tailored exhibition spaces. For more info, please download the Application or read ourStatement.
Next to the exhibitors space, nofound photo fair will welcome again project spaces (see bellow) and The Black Box to promote the work of the photo curators the most active on the Internet through multimedia projects. New this year, nofound photo fair has created a photography bookshop that will also serve as an information centre for visitors to the event: the Found, and a photo prize: le Grand Prix/nofound Prize, sponsored by the deGroot Foundation.
For more info, please check our blog.

Friday, November 16, 2012


L’exposition photo « I want your picture » vous invite à la découverte
de jeunes talents photographes !
RDV donc du 15 au 17 novembre à l’Espace Commines de Paris pour y retrouver tous les talents à suivre de très près…surtout si vous aimez les univers de la mode et de la beauté!
#Diese Magazine était hier au vernissage et autant vous dire que nous y avons passé un moment artistique inoubliable. C’est dynamique, c’est contemporain, c’est frais, c’est créatif et on en attend pas moins. Difficile donc de sélectionner nos coups de cœur parmi le panel de photographes proposés. Ils viennent de tous horizons, avec des styles très différents. On vous laisse visualiser les portfolios pour en juger par vous-même :
– Les Exposants 2012–
FRANCE : Eric Ouaknine et Anne Arnold – Fred Leveugle – Jean-Baptiste Fort – Xavier Dollin– Jeff Manzetti et Erick Seban Meyer
USA : Gary Breckheimer – Carla Pivonski
ALLEMAGNE : Linn Flammier – Robert Flammier – Kai Birkigt – Daniel Erne
NORVEGE : Kyrre Wangen
JAPON : Shun Sasaki
SUISSE : Richard A. Egli
CHINE : Todd Antony Tyler
ITALIE : Diego Zitelli – Lidia Costantini

Sunday, November 11, 2012


But naturally Paris Photo also attracts interesting side events … This year the NOFOUND PHOTO FAIR at Garage Turenne’s fresh viewpoints by contemporary and young photographers once again stand out. The get together I WANT YOUR PICTURE presents a collection of young fashion photographers for the second time in an exhibition that will run from 15 – 17 November and which includes their Welcome Warm up. The private view takes place on the 15th at Espace Commines. Julien Hattab curated the show. Julien tells GoSee: ‘Actually this event was born of a desire to introduce professional and international photographers from fashion and beauty, to reveal their talent and personal work to a public from creative industry and decision makers (art directors, art buyers, directors of the picture, collectors ..). The particularity of IWYP is, in addition, the opportunity to meet live photographers to create new collaborations. Photographers were chosen by our team based on their skills and abilities (of course, the choice is always subjective, but we believe we have found an interesting and challenging selection of artists). This is the second edition, but certainly not the last .. We already have requests for next year.’ The participating photographers from France are Eric Ouaknine & Anne Arnold - Fred Leveugle - Jean Baptiste Fort - Erick Seban Meyer - Xavier Dollin - Jeff Manzetti, from the USA: Gary Breckheimer - Carla Pivonski, from Germany: Linn Flammier - Robert Flammier - Kai Birkigt - Daniel Erne, and from Norway: Kyrre Wangen, Shun Sasaki from Japan, Richard A. Egli from Switzerland, Todd Antony Tyler from China, Diego Zitelli from Bella Italia and Jenni Porkka from Sweden.